How to make the most of downtime

Every business goes through slow periods, it’s impossible to be busy all the time and many trades do have a seasonal element, especially when it comes to heating.

If you are going through a lean spell, there is nothing to worry about, in fact, it’s a fantastic opportunity to make some improvements to your business. Use the downtime to get productive and become even better at what you do.

Improve your online presence

I’ve mentioned before how important it is to be visible online and this is a great time to make some tweaks to your social media platforms and website. Update images of recent jobs you’ve done, (before and after photos work really well), freshen up your ‘About’ section, add some latest news and post your most recent reviews and testimonials. Customers love checking what other people experience, so it’s vital you’re up-to-date.

Having new content will give confidence to any potential customers who are looking for a quote. It shows that you are active and engaged and really does make a difference. 

At Boiler Guide, we provide our installers with a free profile page that gives exposure to over 4 million customers and it’s always worth revisiting your page and giving it a bit of a spruce.

One other thing, check your digital platforms for typos!

Get on top of your admin

Admittedly, one of the dullest parts of running your own business, but very important nonetheless. When you’re stacked out and busy with jobs, this is often something that gets put off and it’s easy to fall behind. So have an invoice day and make sure everything has been sent, followed-up and the best bit – paid.

It may also be worth having a chat with your accountant to get any finance questions answered and spend some time checking all your accreditations are up to date.

Add an extra service to your business

The heating industry is changing at a rapid pace and learning a new skill to offer additional services is a great way to grow your business. Enquiries for renewable energy heating systems are increasing all the time so why not use this quiet time to retrain into renewables?

There are lots of easily accessible courses and with your existing skill set and experience you will soon be qualified in a different field of heating installation.

At Boiler Guide we are seeing huge growth in renewable enquiries and have recently dropped our sales lead prices for Air Source/Ground Source heat pumps and Solar HW.  

Customer demand is huge, and you can take advantage of this once you have the necessary qualifications to do so.


We can all be a bit guilty of working too hard, so if you find yourself with some extra time on your hands there’s no harm in doing absolutely nothing! It’s been a difficult year for all of us and many heating engineers have carried on throughout the various lockdowns making sure customers are kept warm and cosy, so why not switch off and focus on yourself for a change?

It’s no secret that mental health issues are proportionately high within the trade sector. A blend of working alone, long hours and the pressures of being self-employed can all take their toll. So, give yourself a short break, spend some quality time with the family, get out for a walk or run or enjoy a drink or two… you’ll come back refreshed and ready to go again.

All the best


Mike Mayfield

Sales Director